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Office for Translational Research


The School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology Research Relations Team invites you to an information session on EPSRC Healthcare Technologies.

The session will be presented by Philippa Hemmings, Head of Healthcare Technologies at EPSRC and her team. The presentation is part of a visit from Philippa and team to the University. The session will include information on EPSRCs Healthcare Technologies Strategy and its context within the broader EPSRC and UKRI priorities. It will also include information on funding opportunities, and a chance to ask questions.


You can read more about EPSRC Healthcare Technologies here: Healthcare technologies theme

You can find information on EPSRC Healthcare Technologies strategy here: Healthcare Technologies strategy  


This is an excellent opportunity to hear more about this theme and to connect with the EPSRC team in this area. The session is open to any interested staff from across Schools of Technology, Physical Sciences, School of Clinical Medicine and any other interested parts of the University.


How to register: Please complete the following form to register your interest in attending: here is the link

Once signed up, please hold the time in your calendar; we will circulate a diary invitation to all registrants in due course.


12.00-12.30pm – Arrival, Sandwiches, Tea and Coffee

12.30pm-1.30pm – Presentation from Philippa and team

1.30pm – 1.45pm – Q&A


Thursday, 20 June, 2024 - 12:00 to 13:45
Event location: 
West Hub, University of Cambridge, JJ Thomson Avenue, CB3 0US