In certain cases, a project manager is required by the funder of a translational research project. OTR project managers can assist with issues and challenges arising from the delivery of the project, using our expertise and experience to build a bridge which connects academics’ work to industry stakeholders’ requirements and expectations.
At the request of the MRC, the OTR now project manages all Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme (DPFS) and Experimental Medicine awards held by the University of Cambridge. Furthermore, through the acquisition of specialised project management skills, support offered by the OTR now extends beyond the grant application stage into the management of projects post-award.
The OTR has a pool of project managers who are available for subcontracting on a part-time or short-need basis for any translational project. This model provides an efficient and stable project management resource with staff who have the necessary expertise to deliver an excellent and continuous professional service. This has been particularly evident in Interreg EU applications, various COVID projects and the setup of RECOVERY and vaccines trials where support was provided for both the financial and strategic build-up, enabling rapid shifting of resources when necessary.
Our project managers implement project plans including risk management, milestones that correlate with appropriate budgets and realistic timelines. They monitor the project and liaise with the funders. We are currently managing 25 projects, including 3 MRC Experimental Medicine awards, a BHF translational award, 2 NIHR i4i Awards, the PPI/E element of a Wellcome Trust collaboration award and the Cambridge-Sunway programme in collaboration with Cambridge University Development and Alumni Relations (CUDAR) office and the Sunway group owned by Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah in Malaysia.
If you want to contact a specific member of our team to discuss project management for your proposal, please visit here.